We Love Land - One of the most extensive guides to land ownership and investing

Home Wind Turbines: Are They Right for You?

Home Wind Turbines: Are They Right for You?

When it comes to clean energy, renewables are an abundant source. While solar power has established itself in the mainstream energy grid, wind is actually the largest source of renewable electricity in the country. Wind power is expected to produce 20% of the U.S. electricity demand and be cheaper than fossil fuels by 2030. If you own land or live in a windy corridor of the United States, it’s worthwhile looking into whether wind power is right for your home. How Does a Home Wind Turbine Work? Much like their industrial counterparts on wind farms, residential turbines use the same process of converting wind’s...

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Prefab Homes - 5 Reasons They Are a Great Choice

Prefab Homes - 5 Reasons They Are a Great Choice

Let's be real, the housing market is crazy high. Chances are you will be taking on a 30 year mortgage and anxious to keep your job to keep up on the payments. It's a bit scary if you live paycheck to paycheck.  According to experts, the median cost of a home in 60's was around $11,500. While currently, the median cost of a home is $320,000. Yes, of course you have to factor in inflation, wages and cost of living during that time change. But that's a 2682% increase! Some find it normal and justified economically, but still, it's pretty...

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Land Investing: Why 2021 May Be The Year To Start

Land Investing: Why 2021 May Be The Year To Start

Wow, what a year 2020 was, one for the record books. Between the virus, economy and elections, I think many can agree, Good Riddance! The Coronavirus greatly impacted the whole world in several ways. With lockdowns, mask wearing, toilet paper shortages, food being taken from stores and an unprecedented fast development of a vaccine. It almost flew by in a way due to all the chaos.  We don't know exactly what will play out in 2021, time will tell. But It should noted, we are looking at some unusual conditions going into the new year.  At the point of the...

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BLM Camping - The Best Kept Secret - LandZero

BLM Camping - The Best Kept Secret

Have you heard of BLM land before? Well there are some interesting things many don't know about this land. Fist what exactly is BLM land and how does it impact you? In short, BLM land is federal land watched by the Bureau of Land Management. It consists of around 247 million acres in the United States. Starting in 1946, around 1/8th of the land in America was considered protected federal land. However, this land has use for the government, not just to preserve beauty. Much of it purposed for livestock, timber harvesting, natural resources, energy development and overall preservation of land for future uses.  How does...

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