We Love Land - One of the most extensive guides to land ownership and investing

A piece of vacant land

Creative Uses For Raw Land

There's no need to underline that once you mention "vacant land," most folks can't quite imagine what someone could possibly do with it. It's either that or they've got a couple of apparent options to suggest, options we can't call original or creative. Luckily, we've put together a neat little article on creative uses for vacant land you should read. Once you're finished reading it, you'll gain entrance to a new world of possibilities regarding vacant land usage. So, shall we begin? Here are some ideas we'd like to share! #1 Create a community garden Let's say you've bought yourself...

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How to Research Land with Google Earth, Step By Step

How to Research Land with Google Earth, Step By Step

Let's cut right to the chase, in this guide we will show you visually what to look for on Google Earth when buying land site unseen. The amount of information in this guide are secrets of the trade if you will. So join us and put on your detective hat, let's see what we can learn about a property just from Google Earth.   (If you don't have Google Earth, you will have to get it. There is an online version if you can't download the actual program but the pictures in this guide are from the downloaded pro version. It...

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Buying Land Online

Buying Land Online - The Pros and Cons

Buying land online is a unique opportunity, but first, picture yourself for a minute. It's 1950, you and your family are living in Wisconsin and you tell them "We own land in Florida now by the way, I just bought it a few minutes ago". But wait, you didn't even go to Florida what are you talking about? Fast forward to today and now that exact same scenario is possible.It's amazing how far things have advanced since then, internet and computers have far surpassed what people expected. Personally for me, one of the most remarkable technologies on the internet today is Google Earth....

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A piece of vacant land viewed from above

Why Buying Land Is a Great Investment for Families

There's no need to emphasize that contemporary urban life took its toll on its dwellers. It's getting increasingly difficult to raise a family in a city surrounded by a culture that has little to do with real community life. Before we get into the city-hating modus operandi, it's better to try something else. Something more practical. Did you know that many families see buying land as a part of the backup plan if things in the city turn awry, for the sake of having an emergency retreat, and as an excellent investment? We've also got some facts to back up...

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