We Love Land - One of the most extensive guides to land ownership and investing

Environmental considerations when buying land

Environmental Considerations When Buying Land

Buying land is never cheap. If you are savvy with your money and have a bit of luck, you may find some land under market value. But even then, you are likely to pay a hefty price. As with all significant investments, you'd be wise to do ample research and to ensure that it is worth considering. That is why we will use this article to outline the environmental considerations when buying land and how to deduce whether the land you are considering is worth the money. Important environmental considerations when buying land The following consideration is regarding only the...

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How Water and Soil Conditions Impact Your Land's Use

How Water and Soil Conditions Impact Your Land's Use

Land anchors the essential life-supporting components of the earth, which include air, temperature and water, and provides the platform to build industries and residential structures, be it condos or townhomes.  There are many great reasons to buy land, but it’s very possible to buy a tract that doesn’t suit your needs or desires. Land is indispensable, and its quality is critical to its efficient use. Key factors that determine land use as a vital resource include soil and water conditions.  Soil | Formation and Classification Soil is the thin layer of loose material that covers the earth's surface, formed due...

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Warm Livestock Without Electricity – The Essential Tips

Warm Livestock Without Electricity – The Essential Tips

Since wintertime's just around the corner, and you're living off the grid with livestock, you'll have to find a way to keep your animals warm throughout the coldest period of the year. Now, if you've got a wood stove or a propane heat source, being without electricity isn't that big of a deal. However, what if you're out of these elements, too? No need to panic. In the article you're about to read, we will show you some essential tips on how to warm livestock without electricity. We'll also discuss keeping your animals comfy even without other heating sources. So,...

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Amenities near raw land

Things You May Want Near a Parcel of Land

When you're looking to buy vacant land, it's important to consider what amenities and luxuries are nearby. Proximity to infrastructure, everyday conveniences, and special luxuries will affect your overall property value. People who want to live in a remote location need convenient access to well-maintained roads, schools, hospitals, and utilities. Similarly, land investors should keep an eye out for appreciation-driving neighbors like high-valued developments and zoning types that might attract motivated buyers. Before you sign the dotted line on a plot of vacant land in your area, check the surrounding area for these amenities and luxuries. High-Value Homes or Developments...

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